The [Terrible] Secret of the Black Virgin is a documentary film. Long in the making, it explores the enigmatic icon, the black virgin, and how it represents a spiritual matrix that threatened the early formation of the early Church, and though suppressed, has shaped Western culture and consciousness.
I began this project in 2000 and to say the least, it’s been a long winding road, a labyrinth of inquiry, travel, experiences, set backs, and revelation. I hope you will join me as I complete this important film.
It will feature these important scholars, authors and practitioners –

Ean Begg, author of The Cult of the Black Virgin, Myth and Today’s Consciousness; In Search of the Holy Grail and the Precious Blood: A Travellers’ Guide; On the Trail of Merlin: A Guide to the Celtic Mystery Tradition (with Deike Begg), and Masks of the Soul with Jolande Jacobi.

Julie Scott is Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas, the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis (the Rosicrucian Order). She is a scholar and researcher of the divine feminine. She leads tours world wide for seekers of the wisdom traditions.

Researcher and author Tim Wallace-Murphy brings deep knowledge about the mysteries and hidden wisdom of the western mystery schools. He has written numerous books including The Custodians of the Truth, Cracking the Symbol Code, Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail, and many more.

Margaret Starbird has researched and written seminal works about the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Marriage. Her books include The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Magdalene’s Lost Legacy, and Mary Magdalene, and Bride in Exile.

Mdme. Suzanne Bessiere’s family has been the guardian of the black virgin in St. Guiard, France since the 14th C.

Michel Armengaud is the author of Orcival, Symbolism, Tradition Mariale, Architecture, Histoire, Sa Vierge en Majeste, Ses Chapiteaux, Pelerinage Intiatique, 1992. And, Orcival Tresor Medieval, Aigle botte Editions, 2016, Le Pèlerinage à Compostelle une Quête Spirituelle.

Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince are researchers and authors of When God Had A Wife, The Templar Revelation, Mary Magdalene, the Secret at the Heart of the Da Vinci Code, Stargate Conspiracy, The Forbidden Universe, The Masks of Christ, The Turin Shroud, among others. Their work provides insight into the development of Christianity as we know it today and fate of the sacred feminine. They both live in London.

Marko Pogacnk is an author and practitioner of earth energy work. His books include The Universe of the Human Body,Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings, Christ Power and the Earth Goddess, Introduction of the Sacred Landscape of Istria among others. He lives in Slovenia.

Dr. Annine van der Meer is a historian, theologian and symbolist. She has written several authoritative books on the hidden history of the feminine and of women and their forgotten contribution to evolution and civilization. The Black Madonna, From Primal to Final Times, The Language of MA the Primal Mother, Mary Magdalene Unveiled, among many more. She lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.